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Kinderkrippe Windrädli (Zürich)

0 Reviews

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About Us


The Windrädli day nursery was opened on December 1, 2000 and initially had 23 places. In one of the two mixed-age groups, 9 children from 3 months to kindergarten were cared for - in the other group, 12 children aged 19 months to kindergarten entry.

After a longer build-up phase, a third group (outside group) was opened on October 1, 2007. Today, the Windrädli daycare center in Zurich-Oerlikon is a full-day and part-time childcare facility with approximately 33 places for children aged 3 months to school entry. The children are cared for according to the following groups: infant group (approx. 0-2 years), mixed-age group (approx. 2-4 years) and after-school group (approx. 4-6 years).

Our nursery has an operating license from the Social Department of the City of Zurich.


The aim of the day care center is to offer children a framework in which they can develop and grow according to their needs. The child is at the center of our pedagogical work. We take them seriously and accompany and support them on their individual path. In the age-specific groups, we give the children space for new experiences and contacts. Our caregivers create a loving atmosphere of security and trust for the children. The children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions without coercion.


  • Children are active learners
  • Children learn in social contexts
  • Children learn through playful activity and active play
  • Children learn through participation and negotiation
  • Children have the right to recognition of their individuality,
  • Emotional security and attention provide the basis for children's learning processes and the development of their own "I".
  • Our day care center is a creator of a stimulating world of learning and experience.
  • Our day care center ensures learning and development opportunities for all children - regardless of origin, gender and social status.
  • Our pedagogical work is oriented towards the living environment and the needs of children and their families.


When a child is admitted to a day care center, it is often the first time that he or she is in a new environment without his or her parents or caregivers. In the future, the child will spend a significant part of his or her daily life in the facility, and for parents, this may be the first contact with an institution to which they entrust their child. It is also a big step for parents to let go of their child.

Gathering new experiences, forming relationships with other children and adults, and finding one's place in the children's group - these challenges offer enriching and developmental opportunities for a child. This requires an atmosphere of security, trust and acceptance. A successful start to the new phase of life, experienced positively by the child, is the basis for the child's lasting well-being in the facility and the success of the pedagogical work.

At the beginning, the child only spends a certain amount of time at the facility together with the mother or father. The caregiver discusses with the parents how the child's presence time is gradually increased and mother or father withdraws more and more. A small child needs a constant caregiver in an unfamiliar environment who is intensively attentive to him or her. The settling-in process for very young children and younger children is not complete until the child has established a secure bond with the caregiver.

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Location and contact

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Kinderkrippe Windrädli

  • office address office address

    Regina-Kägi-Hof 3 8050 Zürich

  • Phone Phone
    0443... Show number 044 310 81 68 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Kinderkrippe Windrädli

Mon - Fr
06:45 - 18:15 opening hours
Sat - Sun
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